ID 跟别人重复是一件非常尴尬的事情。尤其是当你想出一个自认为“绝妙”的 ID ,然而却被别人捷足先登的时候。但 GitHub 的 Name Squatting Policy 允许 inactive 的用户名被收回,然后重新被注册。
几年注册 GitHub 的时候,发现 @rocka 这个用户名被注册了,虽然很失望,但是也只能放弃这个念想。再仔细看一下那个用户的主页,虽然注册时间很早(2011 年),但是没有一个 Commit 、 Repository ,甚至连一个 Following 都没有。

哇,说不定我能拿回 @rocka 呢,于是赶快 Contact a human 。
I'm enquiring about whether username rocka can be released? The user who has registered that username doesn't look to have any activity. Seeing as I own the domain `` and [npm account](
Would just like to know whether this would be possible.
Regards, Rocka
很快,大约过了不到 10 分钟,邮箱里就收到了回复:
Hey Rocka,
You are in luck — we have classified the Rocka account as inactive and released the username for you to claim, as per our Name Squatting Policy:
Be quick, as the username is now publicly available!
哇,简直喜出望外。于是把自己的 username 改成了 rocka ,新建一个 Organization @Rocket1184 ,然后把一些老旧的仓库 Transfer 过去,哈哈哈,我重新做人啦~